กระทู้เก่า - 00319 : 


wild instinct  [ 7/2/2546 ]
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y-instinct [7/2/2546]
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y-i [7/2/2546]
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y-i [7/2/2546]
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The rasbora is one of the Rasbora sumatrana group and I guess it is Rasbora paviei.

I guess the Garra is Garra cambodgiensis [same as taeniata].  That striking coloration won't last all year long however...

Where are these fishes from?
brookloach [9/2/2546]
 ความคิดเห็นที่: 5
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brookloach [10/2/2546]
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brookloach [11/2/2546]
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brookloach [12/2/2546]
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brookloach [12/2/2546]
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Plateen [12/2/2546]
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