กระทู้เก่า - 00353 : betta macrostoma

 betta macrostoma

I have been checking around about macrostoma and i am wondering why they are so expensive on the market and if ever a local compnay or eprson had ever breeded them succesfully and still has some left! I do not like to have wild cuaght  as it is almost extincted! thanks for nay advice. Tia from Bangkapi
Tia  [ 23/2/2546 ]
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I do not aware of anyone sucessfully breed the bigmac in Thailand.  There are a few report in Japan, USA and non confirm report in Malaysia, though.  The fish coming in each shipment come in with more and more uniform size, maybe they are captive bred.....but what do I know.

They are very delicate fish to keep alive, so breeding is even harder.  I've been trying to breed this species for over a year now, in vein.  I'll keep on trying anyway.  
Nonn [23/2/2546]
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asawin [24/2/2546]
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