กระทู้เก่า - 00386 : Tetra cardinal or Cheirodon axelrodi

 Tetra cardinal or Cheirodon axelrodi

Good morning
I am looking for this little guys. I am in bangkok only for a short time . Would anybody indicate me a good place for purchasing this guys at a good price and good quality
Viele danke!
Frans withelm  [ 4/3/2546 ]
 ความคิดเห็นที่: 1
Paracheirodon innesi
 ความคิดเห็นที่: 2
short translation:
Try Rungthong or Amazone at Sunday Market, these two places sell them at whole sale price something around 15-18 baht a fish.  Other wise, walk around looking for the shop(s) that sell small fish for planted aquarium, you will sure find one with the Cardinal Tetra
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